Town Reappraisal 2021

The Board of Listers is a three-member, elected board charged with the responsibility of determining the fair-market-value of real property in compliance with applicable Vermont State Statutes, and are required to “… list the same without discrimination on a proportionate basis of such value for the grand list …” 32 V.S.A. § 3431.

The property values serve as the basis by which upon which the Town of Roxbury Selectboard sets property tax rates.

In 2021, the Town of Roxbury began a town-wide reappraisal, which takes in the tax year 2022.

2022 Updates

The reappraisal process is complete and the Grand List has been updated. The changes are reflected in the 2022-2023 tax bills. Grievance Hearings wee completed on June 28th.

Town of Roxbury Appraisals 2021

Reappraisal Notice Sent Out

In June 2021, the Roxbury Board of Listers sent out a Notice of Reappraisal to all property owners in Roxbury/E. Roxbury. The initial property listing then commenced. Roxbury/E. Roxbury property owners who wished to be present when the appraisers came to the property for their exterior/interior inspection, could schedule an appointment for the NEMC appraiser to come onsite.

Roxbury Town-Wide Appraisal Process

The Town of Roxbury has begun a town-wide reappraisal slated to take effect for the 2022 tax year. The Town has contracted New England Municipal Consultants (NEMC) to complete all associated reappraisal tasks and duties. NEMC will be working closely with the Board of Listers and the Town Clerk’s Office to ensure timely completion.

Notice of Reappraisal

Over the next year, residents of Roxbury should expect to receive a reappraisal informational letter. The letter will outline reappraisal specifics and help to clarify the process for property owners. If anyone has any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact the town office at (802) 485-7840.

We will do our best to accommodate any specific requests.

NEMC will be attempting to collect building information and land data specific to all parcels in Roxbury. NEMC uses qualified data collectors to record physical and unique property characteristics. The goal of any reappraisal is to create fairness in assessment across an entire community. Strong data collection is the foundation of fair assessments and community equity. We ask for cooperation from all residents as data collection will commence in the summer months of 2021. The reappraisal process will be completed for the 2022 Grand List.

Contact the Listers