Roxbury Town Garage

112 Town Garage Rd | Roxbury VT 05669

Roxbury Road Commissioner
David McShane

Town Garage Staff
Loren Bent (Foreman)
Nick Delary
Andrew Legacy
Clarence Baker (per diem)

The staff of the Roxbury Town Garage are responsible for the maintenance of all roads in the towns of Roxbury and East Roxbury. Most of these roads are unpaved and on steep, winding hills, making grading and plowing a challenge.

Three full-time staff and one per-diem staff work tirelessly, and often at all hours, to keep Roxbury’s roads in shape and up to VDOT code. The Town of Roxbury is required to ensure it complies with the Towns Bridges and Roads Standards and it is signed off annually.

May 2023
Mud season is in full swing. Lots of recent rain. Be careful out there. Slip ‘n slide.